Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Music of the Civil War - 751 Words

The War Between the States was complex. If you wish to understand the events, you should refer to a textbook. Music of the time, however, helps us delve into peoples thoughts and opinions on the war, slavery, and many other important issues in our countrys history. Prior to the civil war, American music followed its European roots. During the civil war, American music began to develop in its own way, largely influenced by the music of the African-Americans. The war produced many well-known songs. These songs were important in their time and they are still known to many people today. Music was important to the Union and also to the Confederacy. The troops sang on battlefields, around campfires and while marching. They sang to†¦show more content†¦I chose John Browns Body because it expresses the abolitionist point of view. Dixies Land is an example of a song that, while written by a northerner, became extremely popular in the South. Music is an important aspect of life. It is used to express thoughts, opinions and feelings. During a time of war it can unite and incite. The music can commemorate important people and events. In times of sorrow it can comfort. Despite the differences between the North and the South, people shared a love of music, as well as a common musical culture. The music of the Civil War period illustrates the many uses of music during times ofShow MoreRelatedMusic in the Civil War600 Words   |  3 PagesMusic in the Civil War The North and the South both used music extensively during the Civil War. They used it to rally troops, to march by, as recreation, and many more reasons. When the soldiers would march off to war, they took a love of song that was divided among them. General Robert E. Lee once said, â€Å"Without music, there would have been no army, music is as indispensable to warfare as money.† Alot of the time the North and the South would borrow each others tunes and lyrics. 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The civil war was the bloodiest battle in the history of our country and resulted in the greatest number of casualties compared to any of American war. SoldiersRead MoreRole Of Music During The Civil War1489 Words   |  6 PagesUS History I Honors 27 February 2015 Did music play a significant role in motivating soldiers to overcome their hardships in both the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War? General Lee once remarked, â€Å"Without music, there would have been no army† (Kehoe). The New York Herald concurred with Lee in 1862 when a reporter wrote, â€Å"All history proves that music is as indispensable to warfare as money; and money has been called the sinews of war. Music is the soul of Mars...† (Bowman). It is evidentRead MoreEssay about Music of The Civil War735 Words   |  3 Pages The War Between the States was complex. If you wish to understand the events, you should refer to a textbook. Music of the time, however, helps us delve into people’s thoughts and opinions on the war, slavery, and many other important issues in our country’s history. Prior to the civil war, American music followed its European roots. During the civil war, American music began to develop in its own way, largely influenced by the music of the African-Americans. The war produced many well-known songsRead MoreMusic ´s Role in the Civil War501 Words   |  2 Pa gesI dont believe we can have an army without music. said Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Many think that the Civil War was a time of fighting and do not recognize that music played a key role in the war. Americans used music to try and explain more of what happened instead of pictures. Whether it was used to bring back memories of loved ones and home, boost the morale of the soldiers, or state political standpoints; music was very common to both the Union and the Confederate states. 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