Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay Pro Euthanasia - 711 Words

Pro Euthanasia Most people want to live their life with dignity and die with dignity. People make important choices and decisions through out their life. Some of these decisions are very difficult and even life changing. We live in a democratic society where we are free to make these decisions. Death is an unavoidable event and happens to everyone. Death can be quick or it can make our love ones suffer miserably. Some people become very ill or have devastating physical problems they must deal with daily. They have a constitutional right to refuse treatment. Most patients trust in their doctor to help them deal with their illness. As their suffering increases, their self-respect decreases. A person should have the freedom to end their life†¦show more content†¦These events are also described in (1 Chronicles 10:3-7). Saul took his life because of his injuries. He knew when the Philistines arrived; he would be tortured and brutally killed by them. Saw knew his death would be dragged out l ike a helpless person, slowly and painfully dying, so he quickly killed himself. Think if someone you cherished was dying due to an organ failure or the need of a new organ. There are long waiting lists for hearts, kidneys, livers, and other organs that are necessary to save the lives of people who can be saved. Doctor-assisted suicide allows physicians to preserve vital organs that can be donated to others. However, if certain diseases are not stopped quickly and spread, the organs may weaken or stop working all together. Friends and family of the patient suffers just as much or more than the patient themselves. Death should not be a dragged out painful thing and Assisted suicide shows compassion for the dying(Rifkin 18). Right now there is a shortage of medical staff in this country, especially nurses. If someone is going to eventually die and is desperately hanging on, why not grant their last wish and use that unneeded medical attention on someone who can be saved. Dr. Pieter Admiraal, and anesthesiologist and the first Dutch physician to express his opin ion stated, The main reason patients request euthanasia are the loss of dignity that may accompany theShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia: The Pros and Cons1281 Words   |  6 Pages Euthanasia: The pros Anatomy Durkos Sarah Carter Jan 6, 2013 Over the years there has been a debate on whether euthanasia is a â€Å"humane† form of death. Some believe it isnt humane and others believe euthanasia is personal choice. Euthanasia is legal Australia and in four states in the united states. The legality of euthanasia is based on ethics primarily. I am pro euthanasia for many reasons; Euthanasia is cheaper, it ends the suffering of patients, and self determinism. 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It is crucial to make sure people are using the correct definition of euthanasia, which is â€Å"the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in anRead MorePro Euthanasia Paper2072 Words   |  9 Pagespatient; it is the patient who takes the initiative. It also does not giver permission for a person to commit suicide; actually suicide is legal in most jurisdictions currently. Families will not be allowed to take the initiative to administer euthanasia, nor will anyone other than the patient seeking it. If the patient is not in a competent, unaltered state of mind they will not be able to receive the assistance in their suicide. Also, if it were to be legalized, a misconception is that it will

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