Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using the Spanish Verb Levantar

Using the Spanish Verb Levantar Usually meaning to raise or to lift, levantar can also be used for other meanings that at first may not seem related. Levantar is derived from the Latin verb levare, meaning to raise. As such, it is related to English words such as levitate, levity and even lever. Here are some examples of levantar with its usual meaning: Courtney levantà ³ la mano porque querà ­a hacer una pregunta. Courtney raised her hand because she wanted to ask a question. Levantaron el coche en el elevador. They raised up the car on the hoist. Levantà ³ la taza con su mano dà ©bil. He raised the cup with his weak hand. Observa como la temperatura se levanta. See how the temperature is rising. Inhalar y levantar los brazos. Inhale and lift up your arms. Levantar is often used figuratively: Levanto la voz por mis derechos. Im raising my voice for my rights. Levantaban la mirada para ver a los extraà ±os que llegaban. They looked up to see the strangers who were arriving. In the reflexive form, levantarse can mean to wake up or to arise from bed:  ¡No me quiero levantar! I dont want to get up! In context, levantar can be used to refer to the creating or intensifying of an emotional reaction: Era un hà ©roe que levantà ³ al pueblo contra los invasores. He was a leader who stirred up the people against the invaders. Las expresiones de carià ±o mientras estuvo hospitalizada levantaron su espà ­ritu. The expressions of affection while she was hospitalized lifted her spirits. In context, levantar can mean to suspend, adjourn or call off an event: Las mujeres la ciudad norteà ±a levantaron huelga de hambre tras alcanzar los objetivos. The women in the northern city called off their hunger strike after reaching their goals. Se levantà ³ el corte. The court was adjourned. Rusia levantar embargo a la exportacià ³n de grano. Russia will lift the embargo on grain exports. Similarly, levantar sometimes means to undo or unmake: La policà ­a levantà ³ campamento y detuverion a los manifestantes. The police broke up the camp and detained the protesters. Pablo levantà ³ la cama y abrià ³ la ventana. Pablo unmade the bed and opened the window. Note: As is the case with most lessons on this site, sample sentences generally are adapted from a variety of sources written by native speakers. Sources consulted for this lesson include: Abel Cruz, Cibernika.com, Debates-politica.com, DGW.es, EscuchaMusica.com.mx, Maipu.cl, MCH.com, Mforos.com, NustroSalud.com, Rodrigorubiog, Tarot.tv, 1070noticias.com.

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