Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Causes Of Political Violence Essays - Crime, Psychiatric Diagnosis

Causes Of Political Violence Essays - Crime, Psychiatric Diagnosis Causes Of Political Violence Political violence is like a festering wound, in that, without the aid of antibiotics the wound has the potential to depress the immune system and eventually overwhelm the individual, leading to death. In this analogy, antibiotics could represent forces that are always looking for the rogue virus's bent on the destruction of the whole body (society). I often wonder why people resort to violence, of any kind, to solve a particular problem. Questions can be asked of the individual(s) involved in carrying out the attacks, but the questions never seem to be answered in a way that will show why violence is needed to resolve conflict. Rather, excuses are rendered in the hopes that by the logic used in explaining why conflict must be resolved, this will justify the actions. This leads, though, to a sort of circular argument. For example, in the case of Saddam Hussein (put aside the fact that he is the president of a nation) is an idiot. Why exactly he felt it was justifiable to invade a cou ntry, who at the time had an OK relationship with the United States, and then think the US and/or other countries would allow him to forcibly occupy that country. Whatever his logic, his actions were not justifiable. I believe his logic was as follows: Something happened to his country (economically, socially, politically etc.) that he did not like or want to happen. Hussein decided to adopt the eye-for-an-eye approach to conflict resolution. Except he changed the rules and instead of responding in a like manner consistent with eye-for-an-eye, he went over board with his reaction. He forcibly invaded a country. I use the Persian Gulf War as a recent example of reasons for why people resolve conflict not through peaceful means but through violent actions. Iraq is not the only country in the system to use this type of logic when tackling an issue that is perceived to have only one avenue of approach to resolution: war. It seems that every, or nearly every, state in the world will resort to brute force to make a point. This then begs the question of, why? I will explore some of the popular assumptions for why people act as they do and try to come to some sort of agreement which we may all universally agree upon. Sederberg explains four of the most popular explanations for violence and revolution and points out some of the flaws in the arguments. The first explanation I will talk about is the Killer Ape Thesis, which basically states that humans are biologically programmed toward violence and that because we are programmed in this way, this is an explanation for the cause of violence. Sederberg also points out that certain questions need to be answered before anything else can be argued, such as what causes discontent? In the killer ape thesis discontent is a moot point. If we are in fact programmed toward violence than discontent should not be an issue. To say that hereditary genes toward violence are passed from one generation to another is to say we have no choice in the matter of violence. We would, simply, all be vicious killers with no way of not being otherwise. Discontent, however, is something humans can turn on and off, like anger, sadness, or happiness. The killer ape thesis is gre at in explaining violence but not in explaining the inclination toward violent expression (Sederberg 102). Clearly, biological factors do not incline us towards violence, but the Cherry Pie Thesis does in some way explain why we are violent. Sederberg describes the cherry pie thesis as one where biology or heredity may play no part in trying to explain why humans are prone to violence. He says that we are violent because of our culture. That is, we are violent because of, say, where we live or the era in which we grew up or the economic status we hold. This thesis though, like the killer ape thesis, is circular in its logic. Society may cause discontent among citizens but only with respect to history. For example, England and Ireland have been at war with each other for some time now; each fights the other

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included)

How to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included) in our retail-obsessed society, cashiers are the gatekeepers for all of that activity. to be a cashier, you need a range of solid skills: handling money, handling people, troubleshooting tech or people issues on the fly, being a good ambassador for the store, etc. it’s a lot- and if you’re updating your resume, it’s important to make those skills shine. let’s look at the cashier resumes of three different cashiers: one entry-level, one restaurant cashier, and one retail cashier. first up is jamie, who is just out of school, and is looking for a cashier position as a way to build retail experience.download this resume in ms wordjamie just graduated from high school, and so doesn’t have a ton of experience yet. however, lack of experience should never stop you from writing a full resume. instead, it’s about shining up the experience you do have, and making sure it emphasizes the skills you’ll need for the job you’re applying for. in jamie’s case, that means playing up his summer experience working in food service. it may not be a one-to-one match with the retail cashier job he’s hoping to get, but it demonstrates that he has a baseline of customer service and money handling skills. the bullets don’t need to list everything you did at your previous job- just the parts that will translate the best for your new, hoped-for job.jamie also includes his volunteer experience as a treasurer, because it shows two things: he is likely responsible enough to be trusted with money, and he has experience being accountable with a bottom line. that’s a very important skill to show in your resume, even if you don’t have a lot of cashier-ing experience under your belt yet.next up is joann, who is a more experienced restaurant cashier.download this resume in ms wordjoann has a lot of experience in her field, but she wants to set up a specific narrative with her resume: that she’s great with customer service and problem solving, and brings a professional approach to her job. so she uses a summary statement, rather than an objective, to set up that theme. that way, when she launches into her work experience, the reader knows what kind of information to expect. it also helps her refine her experience- she doesn’t need to list every customer she’s helped, or every small task she handles as part of her busy day. rather, she focuses on bigger themes of customer service and handling the ins and outs of restaurant transactions with her bullets.as she starts to close out her resume, she revisits those ideas with a quick summary in the skills section, reminding the reader about her strong points as a restaurant cashier.next, we have penny, who is experienced on a different cashier path: retail. like joann, penny has a good deal of experience, and wants that to be her main point in the resume as she looks to advance in the retail business.download this resume i n ms wordpenny’s resume is a solid one based on her decade-plus of experience, but it also has an eye toward what comes next for her. she’s currently a college student, studying business and accounting. this suggests that she may not want to be a cashier for the rest of her career, so what she wants to achieve here is showing her strong base of retail/business skills. her professional summary is kind of a combined objective/skills section, listing what she sees are her strongest qualities, setting the tone of the rest of her resume.rather than saying â€Å"i’m a self-starter,† penny is savvy about inserting that into her experience bullets, showing rather than telling. she mentions busting a shoplifter (and being acknowledged for it), and also her success in taking initiative to sell customers on applying for credit cards and rewards programs. it’s important not to use vague, general phrases that aren’t backed up in the rest of your resume. if you say you’re a self-starter, show how you’ve done that. if you are detail-oriented, use brief examples about how you’ve applied that in your job (like in the shoplifting bust that penny mentions. you can talk more about specific examples in your interview, but on the resume it’s important to present information that you can back up in a very specific way.so how about you? are you ready to push your career as a cashier forward with a rocking resume? thejobnetwork has listings for all levels of cashier positions around the country.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dividend Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dividend Policy - Essay Example The news report also cited a clause in the lawsuit, which states that Greenlight is voting AGAINST Proposal 2 in Apples proxy, which would eliminate preferred stock from Apples charter. The Proposal 2 bundles several proposals regarding how preferred stocks are issued at Apple. Apple responded that the charge is not appropriate, with Greenlight grossly misrepresenting data, which formed the basis for its own proposal. Based from the report, the dividend payment appears to be a form of extra or special dividend, which is paid during a period of high earning (Chapter 18). The success of its products, notably the iPhone and the iPad, saw the meteoric rise of Apple’s stock price, peaking at about $700 in September of 2012 (Molina). As a result, the company has a lot of cash on hand. Indeed, according to Apple it is distributing $45 billion within the span of three years (Molina). However, unlike most dividends under this category, Apple opted to follow quarterly payments, which is the most common practice among companies (Chapter 18). The decision to pay shareholders with dividends was only introduced after Steve Jobs’ death, after Tim Cook assumed leadership. Apple has been notorious for its policy of holding out on its cash hoard (particularly during Jobs’ tenure), and refusing to pay dividends to its shareholders. This dividend policy is, of course, justified. Apple has been known to spend much of its cash on research and development. This can also be attributed to the fact that dividend reduces the value of the firm (Chapter 18). Also, dividends are considered to be irrelevant as a policy. The reason for this is that â€Å"investors will not pay higher prices for firms with higher dividends because they do not need it to convert shares to cash† (Chapter 18). It was only last year that Apple changed its position when the company decided to pay

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critically assess whether a criminal justice system based on Essay

Critically assess whether a criminal justice system based on resolution and restoration would be more effective than the one based on punishment - Essay Example They need a second chance because many have not received even a first chance. Additionally, rehabilitation is by far the best option for them because of the way they would almost certainly be exploited and turned into hardened criminals if sent to prison. This paper will provide further background to the issue of rehabilitating juvenile offenders, and strongly argue that it is the right approach. The justice system fulfills an important symbolic function by establishing standards of conduct. It formally defines right and wrong for citizens and frees them from the responsibility of taking vengeance, thus preventing the escalation of feuds within communities. The system protects the rights of free citizens by honoring the principle that individual freedom should not be denied without good reason. Rehabilitation has as its objective the return of offenders to the community as cured and viable members of society. The rehabilitation efforts of the 1980s and 1990s were to a large extent unsuccessful. No program appeared to be any more effective in changing criminals than any other program, so a sizable portion of the people released from prison continued to return (Murphy 49). This led many to conclude that the best, and possibly only, alternative was simply to remove offenders from the community, precluding any further vexation and exploitation by them. Since criminals are though t to be more likely to commit crimes than those never convicted of a criminal act, it follows that some benefits will be derived from incarcerating convicted criminals. Incapacitation has the greatest potential as a method of crime control if it is a few hardened criminals who commit most crimes. If they can be identified, convicted, and incarcerated for long periods, a significant reduction in crime would be realized. Most advocates of punitive reform have this perspective on the criminal population. Blame for the majority

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fiction-writing mode Essay Example for Free

Fiction-writing mode Essay Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of a narration is to| | Start with asking yourself if | | |tell stories. Narrations can be |Chronological order, which is a method of |you want to write a factual or | | |factual; story based on events |organization that arranges ideas according to|fictional story. Next, make a | | |as they happened in real life, |time, is the best organizational method for |plot summary, which is a | | |or fictional; made up or |narration. |paragraph or outline that | | |imagined | |describes only the main events | | | | |that drive the story forward. | | |The purpose of an illustration |Order of importance, which is a method of |First, decide on a topic that | |Illustration |is to clearly demonstrate and |organization that arranges ideas according to|you are interested in writing | | |support a point through the use |their significance, is the best |about. Secondly, vary the phases| | |of evidence. |organizational method for illustration. |of illustration you use. This | | | | |way, readers will stay engaged | | | | |in your writing and ideas. | |Description |The purpose of a description is |Spatial order, which is a method of |Does your writing follow a flow?| | |to make sure the audience is |organization that arranges ideas according to|Good writing is focused. Is | | |fully immersed in the words on |physical characteristics or appearance, is |writing written for a purpose? | | |the page. The writer describes |the best organizational them. |Good writing is grammatically | | |his or her world through sensory| |correct a

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Harry Shippe Truman :: Biographies Presidents Essays

Harry Shippe Truman missing works cited When Harry Truman was about five years old, his family noticed he was having eye troubles. With these eye problems, Harry wasn't able to see stars or the falling dust from fireworks. Harry never noticed this. When his mother got his first pair of glasses, they were thick glass in which the doctor said that he shouldn't run hard or play in many sports with them on. Harry saw a whole new world when he first got the glasses. He would stare for hours just looking at the bright stars. But, Harry's fun with the glasses soon ended when he went to school. The other kids would tease him about the glasses because he was the only one in the class with glasses. The teasing didn't bother him much because the other kids grew up learning not to hit kids with glasses. Harry liked reading books in his spare time. He especially liked Mark Twain's books 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn'. He had to read mostly adult books. Another one of his favorite books were biographies of the U.S. presidents. Harry read most of the three- thousand books that were in a nearby library. Harry was very good in school because of reading all the books. His mom wanted Harry, his brother Vivian, and Their little sister Mary Jane to enrich their lives so she bought them a piano. She gave the children lessons and noticed that Harry was especially gifted with the piano. So, she sent him to get professional lessons with a woman named Mrs. Edwin C. White. Everyone in his family thought that Harry would become a concert Pianist. Harry thought so too. Harry had experiences that the other kids did not have while playing the piano. Harry's teacher once was a student of one of the greatest pianists ever to live named Ignacy Jan Paderewski. When he was having a concert in their town, Harry's teacher brought him to the concert and introduced Harry to Ignacy. Ignacy showed Harry how to play his own famous composition Minuet in G. It was a moment Harry never forgot. The kids at his school really started to make fun of him when they saw him going to school with music roles because they thought piano playing was for sissies. But he kept on going and still ignored them. Harry' father got harry a pony so he wouldn't be all books and piano

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assignment – Principle to Accounting

Question 1 (Total 10 Marks) Instructions: Indicate in which journal the transactions given below would be recorded by placing the appropriate journal abbreviation in the space provided. AbbreviationJournal GJGeneral Journal CBCash & Bank Book SJSales Journal SRSales Return Journal PJPurchases Journal PRPurchases Return Journal CB 1. Received cash on outstanding amount from customer. SR 2. Customer returned merchandise sold on account. CB 3. Sold merchandise to customer for cash. GJ 4. Owner withdrew merchandise for personal use. GJ 5.Paid shipping charges on merchandise purchased on account. GJ 6. Purchased office equipment on credit. PJ 7. Credit purchase from supplier. GJ 8. Recorded adjusting entries. SR 9. Returned damage merchandise to supplier which has not paid yet. SJ 10. Sold merchandise to customer on account. Question 2 (Total 22 Marks) Instructions: Given the entry information in Silva Trading, prepare appropriate entries for the month of August 2012: 0. Aug. 1Sold mercha ndise for cash $300. Dr Cash$300 Cr Sales$300 1. Aug. 2Purchased merchandise from ABC Co. n account for $5,000; terms 2/10, n/30. 2. Aug. 4Sold excess land for $7,000 accepting a 2-year, 12% note. The land was purchased for $7,000 last year. 3. Aug. 6Sold merchandise to D. Stone on account for $930, terms 2/10, n/30. 4. Aug. 8Accepted a sales return of defective merchandise from D. Stone—credit granted was $280. 5. Aug. 11Purchased merchandise from Tanner Hardware on account for $1,800; terms 1/10, n/30. 6. Aug. 12Paid freight of $200 on the shipment from ABC Co. in cash. 7. Aug. 15Received payment in full from D. Stone by cash. 8. Aug. 19Paid ABC Co. n full by cheque. 9. Aug. 20Paid Tanner Hardware in full by cheque. 10. Aug. 27Purchased office supplies for $250 cash. Question 2 Answer: |Date |Account |Debit ($) |Credit ($) | |Aug. 1 |Cash |300 | | | |Sales | |300 | |Aug. |Purchases |5,000 | | | |ABC Co. | |5,000 | |Aug. 4 |Notes receivable |7,000 | | | |Land | |7,000 | |Aug . 6 |D.Stone |930 | | | |Sales | |930 | |Aug. 8 |Sales return |280 | | | |D. Stone | |280 | |Aug. 1 |Purchases |1,800 | | | |Tanner Hardware | |1,800 | |Aug. 12 |Carriage inward |200 | | | |Cash | |200 | |Aug. 5 |Cash |637 | | | |Discount allowed |13 | | | |D. Stone | |650 | |Aug. 19 |ABC Co. |5,000 | | |Bank | |5,000 | |Aug. 20 |Tanner Hardware |1,800 | | | |Bank | |1,782 | | |Discount received | |18 | |Aug. 7 |Office supplies |250 | | | |Cash | |250 | Question 3 (Total 48 Marks) Instructions: Based on your entries done in Question 2, prepare, for the month of August 2012: a) Adjusted trial balance (24 Marks) b) Income statement (12 Marks) c) Balance sheet (12 Marks)Silva Trading Trial Balance as at July 31, 2012 ————————————————————————— Account TitlesDr. Cr. ————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Cash500 Bank9,075 Prepaid Insurance2,000 Freehold Lands31,000 Notes Payable26,000 F. Santos, Capital15,000 F. Santos, Drawing2,000 Sales17,125 Purchase6,400 Salaries Expense4,000 Supplies Expense1,500 Insurance Expense1,200 Interest Expense500 Interest Payable 50 Total58,17558,175 Question 3(a) Answer: Silva Trading Trial Balance for the period ended 31st August 2012 Account Titles |Debit ($) |Credit($) | |Cash |987 | | |Bank |2293 | | |Prepaid Insurance |2000 | | |Freehold Lands |24000 | | |Notes Payable | |26000 | |F. Santos, Capital | |15000 | |F.Santos, Drawing |2000 | | |Sales | |18355 | |Purchase |13200 | | |Salaries Expense |4000 | | |Supplies Expense |1500 | | |Insurance Expense 1200 | | |Interest Expense |500 | | |Interest Payable | |50 | |Notes receivable |7000 | | |Sales return |280 | | |Discount allowed |13 | | |Discount received | |18 | |Carriage inwards |200 | | |Office supplies |250 | | | |_____ |_____ | |Total |59423 |59423 | Question 3(b) Answer: Silva Trading Income statement for the period 31st August 2012 Sales | |18355 | |-Sales return | |280 | | | |18075 | |-Discount allowed | |13 | |Net sales | |18062 | | | | |-Cost of sales | | | |Purchases |13200 | | |-Discount received |18 | | | |13182 | | |Carriage inwards |200 | | | | |13382 | |Gross profit | |4680 | | | | | | | | | |Expenses | | | |Salaries Expense |4000 | | |Supplies Expense |1500 | | |Insurance Expense |1200 | | |Interest Expense |500 | | | | |7200 | |Net loss | |(2520) | Silva Trading Balance sheet as at 31st August 2012 |Non-current assets | | | |Freehold Lands | 24000 | |Office supplies | |250 | |Notes receivable | |7000 | | | |31250 | |Current Assets | | | |Cash |987 | | |Bank |2293 | | |Prepaid Insurance |2000 | | | |5280 | | |Current Liabilities | | | |Notes Payable |26000 | | |Interest Payable |50 | | | |26050 | | | | | | |Works capital | |(20770) | | | |10480 | |Owner’s Equity | | | |Early Capital | |15000 | |-Drawing | |2000 | | | |13000 | |-Net loss | |(2520) | | | |10480 |

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Second Foundation Prologue

The First Galactic Empire had endured for tens of thousands of years. It had included all the planets of the Galaxy in a centralized rule, sometimes tyrannical, sometimes benevolent, always orderly. Human beings had forgotten that any other form of existence could be. All except Hari Seldon. Hari Seldon was the last great scientist of the First Empire. It was he who brought the science of psycho-history to its full development. Psycho-history was the quintessence of sociology, it was the science of human behavior reduced to mathematical equations. The individual human being is unpredictable, but the reactions of human mobs, Seldon found, could be treated statistically. The larger the mob, the greater the accuracy that could be achieved. And the size of the human masses that Seldon worked with was no less than the population of the Galaxy which in his time was numbered in the quintillions. It was Seldon, then, who foresaw, against all common sense and popular belief, that the brilliant Empire which seemed so strong was in a state of irremediable decay and decline. He foresaw (or he solved his equations and interpreted its symbols, which amounts to the same thing) that left to itself, the Galaxy would pass through a thirty thousand year period of misery and anarchy before a unified government would rise once more. He set about to remedy the situation, to bring about a state of affairs that would restore peace and civilization in a single thousand of years. Carefully, he set up two colonies of scientists that he called â€Å"Foundations.† With deliberate intention, he set them up â€Å"at opposite ends of the Galaxy.† One Foundation was set up in the full daylight of publicity. The existence of the other, the Second Foundation, was drowned in silence. In Foundation (Gnome, 1951) and Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952) are told the first three centuries of the history of the First Foundation. It began as a small community of Encyclopedists lost in the emptiness of the outer periphery of the Galaxy. Periodically, it faced a crisis in which the variables of human intercourse, of the social and economic currents of the time constricted about it. Its freedom to move lay along only one certain line and when it moved in that direction, a new horizon of development opened before it. All had been planned by Hari Seldon, long dead now. The First Foundation, with its superior science, took over the barbarized planets that surrounded it. It faced the anarchic Warlords that broke away from the dying Empire and beat them. It faced the remnant of the Empire itself under its last strong Emperor and its last strong General and beat it. Then it faced something which Hari Seldon could not foresee, the overwhelming power of a single human being, a Mutant. The creature known as the Mule was born with the ability to mold men's emotions and to shape their minds. His bitterest opponents were made into his devoted servants. Armies could not, would not fight him. Before him, the First Foundation fell and Seldon's schemes lay partly in ruins. There was left the mysterious Second Foundation, the goal of all searches. The Mule must find it to make his conquest of the Galaxy complete. The faithful of what was left of the First Foundation must find it for quite another reason. But where was it? That no one knew. This, then, is the story of the search for the Second Foundation!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sparta after the Peloponnesian War essays

Sparta after the Peloponnesian War essays After the Peloponnesian War, Spartan hegemony of Greece would seem to have been assured. A single generation, though, would have seen Sparta at the peak of its power, and its defeat by the Thebans at Leuctra, effectively turning it into a second rate power. The victory in the Peloponnesian War was a significant factor in bringing about this change in fortune, but other long term factors have also been identified which suggest that Spartan undoing had long been in the pipeline. Victory in the Peloponnesian War brought about Spartan hegemony and the establishment of a Spartan Empire. The Spartan slogan of liberation was dropped. Around 400, for example, King Agis led an army north to punish Elis for earlier disloyalty. Lysanders puppet oligarchies were tied to Sparta far more firmly than any of Athens subjects had been during the time of her empire. They were hated in their states both as puppets and as oligarchs, and Sparta came to be hated through them. This power of Sparta bred fear among her more independent and stronger allies. The Corinthians and Boiotians who would have welcomed Athens destruction in 404, saw oligarchic Athens as just the Spartan satellite they feared, and so Boiotia assists the returning Athenian democrats, Corinth and Boiotia refuse to join in the campaign against Elis, and a few years later a Corinthian, Boiotian and Athenian alliance was formed. After the war, Sparta began, in 401, to meddle in Persian affairs. This revolved around Lysander and Cyrus. Cyrus wanted the Persian throne and tried to enlist Spartan help. Sparta gave support, but Cyrus was defeated by Artaxerxes. Then Sparta, in 400, remembered her slogan of liberation and began a war with Persia on behalf of the Asian Greeks. This was a distraction which encouraged Spartas enemies at home, and, three years later, she was at war with Athens, Corinth and Boiotia. Lysander was killed at Haliartos...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using the Spanish Verb Levantar

Using the Spanish Verb Levantar Usually meaning to raise or to lift, levantar can also be used for other meanings that at first may not seem related. Levantar is derived from the Latin verb levare, meaning to raise. As such, it is related to English words such as levitate, levity and even lever. Here are some examples of levantar with its usual meaning: Courtney levantà ³ la mano porque querà ­a hacer una pregunta. Courtney raised her hand because she wanted to ask a question. Levantaron el coche en el elevador. They raised up the car on the hoist. Levantà ³ la taza con su mano dà ©bil. He raised the cup with his weak hand. Observa como la temperatura se levanta. See how the temperature is rising. Inhalar y levantar los brazos. Inhale and lift up your arms. Levantar is often used figuratively: Levanto la voz por mis derechos. Im raising my voice for my rights. Levantaban la mirada para ver a los extraà ±os que llegaban. They looked up to see the strangers who were arriving. In the reflexive form, levantarse can mean to wake up or to arise from bed:  ¡No me quiero levantar! I dont want to get up! In context, levantar can be used to refer to the creating or intensifying of an emotional reaction: Era un hà ©roe que levantà ³ al pueblo contra los invasores. He was a leader who stirred up the people against the invaders. Las expresiones de carià ±o mientras estuvo hospitalizada levantaron su espà ­ritu. The expressions of affection while she was hospitalized lifted her spirits. In context, levantar can mean to suspend, adjourn or call off an event: Las mujeres la ciudad norteà ±a levantaron huelga de hambre tras alcanzar los objetivos. The women in the northern city called off their hunger strike after reaching their goals. Se levantà ³ el corte. The court was adjourned. Rusia levantar embargo a la exportacià ³n de grano. Russia will lift the embargo on grain exports. Similarly, levantar sometimes means to undo or unmake: La policà ­a levantà ³ campamento y detuverion a los manifestantes. The police broke up the camp and detained the protesters. Pablo levantà ³ la cama y abrià ³ la ventana. Pablo unmade the bed and opened the window. Note: As is the case with most lessons on this site, sample sentences generally are adapted from a variety of sources written by native speakers. Sources consulted for this lesson include: Abel Cruz, Cibernika.com, Debates-politica.com, DGW.es, EscuchaMusica.com.mx, Maipu.cl, MCH.com, Mforos.com, NustroSalud.com, Rodrigorubiog, Tarot.tv, 1070noticias.com.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Copyright and Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Copyright and Creativity - Essay Example It is purported that copyright primarily serves the end of encouraging creativity, because of the inspiration it provides to authors/writers/creators and would-be authors/writers/creators that will see creativity as an opportunity to gain economic advantage as well as an acknowledgment of their talent. This claim, however, is being contested by those who argue that artists have been churning out great works of arts for centuries without the benefit of copyright protection. Worse, there are those who perceive copyright protection as an unwitting tool for stifling creativity as illustrated by recent cases where works have been prohibited from seeing publication on the ground that they infringe the copyright law. The question that is being contemplated by this paper, therefore, is whether or not copyright protection encourages or stifles artistic creativity. Background The US Copyright Law has its roots in the 1710, Statute of Anne, an English law that ended the monopoly of the Statione r’s Company by vesting exclusive right of books to their authors for fourteen years, subject to renewal. After the American Revolution in the 18th century, several states their own copyright laws that took after the Statute of Anne, but the Constitutional Convention decided that a unifying law on copyright should be enacted nationally and thus, attached a clause mandating such passage in Article 1 of the proposed Constitution. The subsequent Copyright Act of 1970 copied the 14-year period of exclusive right to authors renewable for another 14 years and was made applicable solely to books, maps and maritime charts. Eventually, however, the US copyright law was broadened to cover other original works as well. In the Copyright Act of 1909, the coverage of the grant extended to all written works not only in the US but to various written foreign works as well. In addition, it extended the period of the exclusive right to 28 years, which is renewable for another 28 years. The next copyright law, i.e. Copyright Act of 1976 is the precursor of the present US copyright law. This Act eliminated many of the earlier features as well as added new ones. For example, it established a single period of exclusive right for all kinds of works, which is the life of the author plus 50 years, dismissed the formalities and made the right applicable the very moment the work becomes a concrete medium of expression. 1 Before the present consolidated US copyright law came into being, the Copyright Act 1976 went through various amendments and supplementations. These include the following: the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992, which added copyright grant to digital audio recordings; the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, which extended the exclusive right to 20 years, and; the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, which deals with high-technology works. 2 Features of the Present US Copyright Law Under the present US Copyright Law, which is denominated as Title 17 of the United States Code, the exclusive rights to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, display publicly and use in a digital audio transmission of works, are granted only to their authors or creators.3 The copyright grant covers only 8 kinds of words, and their respective derivatives, namely: literary